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Archangel Zadkiel Oracle ~ Week of June 21st, 2021 ~ Compassion

Updated: May 21, 2022

This past weekend we completed our 2021 Reiki Master in-person immersion. These weekends are always so magical, it takes several days to ground the energy and integrate the magic and that has been raised. So I love that this week's oracle card of COMPASSION features the ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL, who reminds us to "Soften your heart with respect to this situation, and all the people involved, including yourself."

I've often found that the compassion card comes up when I'm trying to do too much in my life and not listening to my heart. Other times it comes up when I'm feeling insecure so I'm trying to prove something to myself or others. Still again it comes up when I'm agitated by either myself or others, and so I've hardened my heart as a result. These three examples may seem really different, but what they all have in common is that the heart center tends to form walls or boundaries so that the ego can lead the way.

Zadkiel reminds us to have compassion. We never really know what it's like to walk in others' shoes. We can choose to forgive, even as we hold healthy boundaries for what's right for us.

Sometimes that forgiveness is not about others--it's about forgiving ourselves! I read an article earlier this year in which the original person who called the police in the case of George Floyd expressed such regret and remorse because he felt responsible for the resulting traumatic death of George Floyd. It takes real courage to forgive ourselves for the judgements we place upon ourselves, and yet that very forgiveness is what will give us the space to create better circumstances for the future. We have to be willing to see and digest what is in front of us. We can't do that when we're stuck in anger, ego, hurt, rejection, or repulsion. Integrating our truths requires a safe space inside. That space is created when we open our hearts to compassion. The flood of love is felt as an emotion that reverses the hormonal fight/flight response that may be out for blood. By re-centering in compassion, we elevate our thinking and open up to creative solutions.

If you are feeling stuck or blocked around anything in your life this week, invite compassion in. Ask the Archangel Zadkiel to help you find a compassionate response for whatever is on your mind and in your heart.


DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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