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Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

Updated: May 20, 2022

This is a book review for Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, and part of my series on books to read for Reiki Practitioners.

I was 29 years old and dancing (modern dance) in San Francisco when I stumbled upon Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. I'd read it once before in my early 20s. It's a short book so it's easy to do. At that time I found it as a book on tape. I picked it up at a library, and listened to it while driving to dance practice each day. Yes, back in those days, CDs weren't yet in all cars, and cell phones didn't yet have apps, so I had a hand held tape recorder I used in order to listen. You might be thinking, When was this book written?! Victorian Times? Dear Reader, this book was originally published in 1978, but it continues to be reproduced more than 40 years later, because it's a classic!

A surprising number of Reiki practitioners struggle with focus. Creative Visualization teaches very simple techniques for learning how to visualize, clarifying your desires, and effortlessly being drawn into their natural creation. Although I'd read the book, I actually have to recommend the audio version. There is creative power in listening to a story and meditation prompts, rather than in reading them.

The only reason this book is not a part of my required reading list for Reiki Masters, is that I presume they have already learned these basics, and they often learn at least 70% of what is taught in this book by taking regular classes with me. That said, maybe I do need to add this one to a hall of fame list...

I often feel this book played a huge role in my realization that I wanted to stop dancing and being a part of commercialized creative industries, and live closer to the earth, in the countryside. My life took a dramatic turn right around my Saturn Returns between ages 29-32, and having a very clear inner vision (thanks to Creative Visualization) helped it to be a positive, ecstatic experience.

I had to return the book-on-tape to the library, but a few years after that reading, I saw Creative Visualization at a library book sale and picked up a permanent copy for my bookshelf. I've recommended it to countless students over the years, and I occasionally revisit it when my own vision becomes cluttered.

Manifesting abundance begins with your mindset. If your mindset and intentions are weak, you'll spin in circles. Creative Visualization helps you get the tools in place to exercise the full abilities of your creative mind. You'll learn meditations, affirmations, special techniques, and mindset. This book is gold. Don't stop! Pass Go! Pick it up and read it! You'll be better for it.


DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:


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