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How to Celebrate Winter Solstice on December 21st

Updated: May 21, 2022

The Winter Solstice usually falls on the 21st or 22nd of December, each year. It signifies the longest night of the year. After Winter Solstice night, the sunlight begins to return in small increments each day, tipping the season once again toward light.

I have a personal affinity for Winter Solstice because my birthday falls just a few minutes after. As energy healers, this holiday reminds us to always have hope even in the darkest moments, because the light is returning even when we can’t yet feel the difference.

It has been a long year filled with sacred transformation, but the week of Winter Solstice is a time to reflect on the lessons and hard work of autumn as you now welcome the winter. Welcome hibernation, allowing yourself to rest as much as possible in the last weeks of the year, knowing that as you sleep, or drink hot cocoa, the warmth of the sun is headed back to you.

Winter Solstice is a good time to do rituals that focus into your inner state of well-being. Plan activities that stimulate your feelings of love and unity with the world around you.


You will need:

2 tea lights

1 gold or white candle to represent solstice

1 hour of your time

a journal for notes, and a cup of tea (because why not?!)


Play some gentle holiday music that gets you into the mood. It can be whatever inspires you. As the music plays, take several deep breaths, allowing yourself to slow down, ground, and become fully present in this day, this moment. Prepare an altar as a focal point. Include a white or gold candle for solstice. You may place upon it whatever inspires you about the season. I like to place a few persimmons, a small wreath or branches from outdoors, and some religious artifacts that have significance to me. The look of your altar is not as important as how you feel when you sit before it. You want to feel restful and inspired.


If you are pagan or religious, you can set your sacred space with a prayer, or whatever way you normally do. Alternately, you can call in Reiki, and simply flow Reiki light for about 5 minutes, filling your room with a mist of Reiki light.

Light two small tea lights, but leave your solstice candle unlit for now.


"As we enter into winter, I give myself permission to slow, slow, slow, and attune to the sacred rhythms of the winter season. I remember that I am a child of earth. When the stars kissed the earth, I was born, the love child of the celestial spheres and earth. Now, in this place, in this time, I send my energy down, through the dark fertile sleeping soil of winter, through bedrock, to the very heart of mother earth. I remember I am loved, and that I am a caretaker and lover of this planet. In this solstice season, I entrain to the healing light and love that is born in the primordial, creative, starry darkness of winter.... [Breathe in silence, and reflect or add what experiences this past year you are thankful for. "I am so thankful for..."

"Becoming still, I listen to darkness ...and call back all of my soul pieces to return. I welcome my soul retrieval of all parts of me that were busy doing the bidding of others. Where I forgot about myself, I now welcome myself back, and give myself love. [Breathe in silence]

"As my bones become heavy against the earth, pulled by gravity, I listen to darkness and listen to whispers of all that is sacred and holy in the night. I open to the wisdom of the divine. I listen, listen, listen, to love in the darkness. [Breathe in silence] I listen to the spark of creative fire within me, that wants to be born in light. Listen.... Listen.... Listen.... "

Meditate quietly before your altar, allowing your eyes to be closed, listening into darkness. If you feel activated, you can also look at the items you gathered for your altar for inspiration. You may sleep, rest, or incubate, or do whatever else you feel called to do in this sacred hibernating space.

When you feel that you have entrained and found comfort in the dark, give thanks, and sing or chant, "The light is returning, the light is returning, the light is returning one day at a time." Sing it until you feel the joy and excitement of it, and pour that excitement into lighting your Solstice Candle.

Once your candle is lit, give thanks to the earth, and share your gratitude for everything you can think of this year. "I am beloved by the earth, oceans, the flaming sunrises and the starry beautiful skies. I am so thankful and I give thanks for the many elements and spirit guides that surround and bless me. I give thanks to my angels who watch over me, and to the great divine, called by many names, that is reflected in all things. As the sun begins to return in darkness, I vow to remember the light within me as well. I will nurture and cultivate my light in the coming year. I remember always that the sacred holy dark is my friend and ally, and that I can always return to silence, peace, stillness, and deep stirring with the earth, to strengthen my soul's purpose for living. With love in my heart, so it is."

Leave time after your ritual to journal and drink tea. Let your body full absorb the activations of the season.

I hope you're able to try out this ritual, or even do a simple reading of it one quiet evening, as a living prayer. If you'd like to feel connected to others and receive an amplified activation to support your winter solstice goals, you can click through to the classes link and join me in this very ceremony, at our online winter solstice. I hope to meet you there!

Blessed Winter Solstice!



DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:

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Unknown member
Dec 13, 2021

“Do a simple

reading of it, as a living prayer“ Love that suggestion.

Unknown member
Dec 14, 2021
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So glad you enjoyed! Happy blessed Solstice. ❤️


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