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Journal Prompts & Ritual To Celebrate Spring Equinox

Updated: Mar 9, 2024

Tomorrow (March 20th) is SPRING EQUINOX. It's the first official day of Spring! Spring is the time to grow your seeds of intention. I love the Spring Equinox because it's also a time of divine balance when the length of daytime hours is equal to the length of night.

The Germanic Goddess Ostara or Eostre is celebrated at Equinox. She's often depicted with her ally the fertile bunny at this time of year, and it's often said that she's the namesake for Easter. Ostara reminds us that this is a fertile time full of creativity, and full of the potent energy for creating new life.

If you've been hibernating, the seasonal cycle is turning. So how do you get into this energy????


There are so many wonderful things that happen in spring time! It’s a time of making plans, planting seeds, and taking small actions to live vibrantly everyday! Here are some affirmations to celebrate:

❤️ I am opening myself to the spirit of Spring. ❤️ I allow sweet moments, lightness, and pleasure into my heart. ❤️ I celebrate small wins every chance I get. Every day hold a sacred gift that I hunt for and receive. ❤️ I weave nourishing moments and gentle pauses into the natural patterns of my everyday life. ❤️ St Patrick's Day, Mother's Day, Earth Day, May Poles and Egg Hunts... regardless of religion or culture, I recognize the frolicking and fun of this season. ❤️ I now receive inspiration, clarity, and support in my life as I love, live to my fullest, and create.


This juncture of the year is when the length of day and the length of night are exactly the same, down to the minute. I love to self-reflect at the equinoxes (there are two per year).

As I've said in past blogs, this is such a good time to look at questions about balance. It's from our quiet still point within that our greatest creations burst forth.

Likewise in spring, energy begins to accelerate as the scales of time tip towards the light part of the year.

Here are some Journal prompts to active springtime energy:

(1) What are some of your favorite springtime memories from the past? Perhaps your family or church celebrated Easter with dyed eggs and scavenger hunts. Or maybe your school brought in baby bunnies to hold and feed. Take some time with this prompt to feel into what this season is about for you on the most personal levels.

(2) What are your favorite indoor and outdoor activities? Each spring I think of how all of the national parks are beginning to warm up. If I walk around the lake at this time of year, I can see the morning mist burning in the rising sun. The kayaks are being pulled out for water lovers, and while some people are bird watching in the trees, others are across from the park enjoying hot chocolate in the windows of the cafe. What do you look forward to, this particular season?

(3) Who would you like to spend more time with, this spring? Are there certain friends, family members, or strangers that you'd like to connect with? Write down their names, and what you'd enjoy doing with them. You might even find that you want to welcome in new friends but you're not sure who. Write about the qualities and feelings you'd like to experience with new people coming in.

(4) Where would you like to go this spring? Sometimes life can get really busy, and unless we plan our vacations and mini-breaks ahead of time, we can forget to celebrate life. Spring Break isn't just for students. Do you want to hop on a plane and go to some tropical locale? Woudl you love to spend an afternoon exploring books in an old library? Are you dreaming of that party cruise you've always heard of? Take some time to dream of all of the possibilities and write them all down. Even the most far fetched!

(5) What would you like to do differently this spring? Each season is a chance for a reboot. There may be things you're letting go of at this time, so what will you welcome in to fill that space? How will this change you? What actions do you see yourself taking this springtime?


Now I know a lot of people nowadays like to say there's no such thing as balance in a successful or busy life, but I just don't agree. I think it's an excuse to give up on balance.

While we will not always be able to have things balanced down to the minute like equinox, our entire lives are a DYNAMIC BALANCE.

Part of the joy of life is understanding how to find your still-point even when life is rolling around beneath you, much like the surfer on the waves, or the circus dancer doing flips on the moving stage.

Part of balance is learning to listen within, and to listen to the wisdom that comes through your experiences with the earth itself. Where are you in integrity and balance with your values? And where could you use a bit of work?

(6) How have those New Year intentions been going? Did you know that nearly 2 out of 3 people who set goals actually achieve success? Just setting goals opens doors, but returning to them at spring will keep you on track.

(7) What seeds of intention would you like to put back into storage for another year? Discernment will allow you to use your time wisely, and truly enjoy what is in front of you.

I love meditating on the Egyptian Goddess Ma'at for insight, as she is a goddess of inner law, balance, and foundations for creation. It is said that Ma'at weighs our hearts on her divine scales to see if we have lived an honest life true to our hearts.

You don't need to wait for her balancing scales. When you get quiet, what is it that you know you must do?

Now... How can you create an intentional space to take even one action this spring?


More than ever, we need the traditions of the Equinox, which call to our inner awakening. We are stretching and opening up to the creative stirring of our heart, our own passion and intellect.

Traditionally, this is the time of planting seeds, taking stances, and making decisions that will shape the rest of your year. Yes, now is the time to take action on ideas you've been incubating since the start of the year.

If you're not clear, journal, journal, journal. As we work globally to heal our bodies, community processes, and bigger vision, take time to contemplate or journal what's happening within YOU, looking at each of your chakras and related themes.

Gather a bouquet of plants or flowers from your neighborhood.

Light a white candle for your ceremony of reflection.

Play Pachelbel's Cannon in D or Bach's Sheep may Safely Graze. Look at yourself in the mirror, naked as the day you were born. As you look and breathe, reflect on who you are becoming.

You may feel deep emotions stirring, or even some past pain or unkindness. Whatever comes up, breathe and offer compassion as you let these deep energies surface and clear by returning them to the earth, to compost beneath you.

We don't often witness ourselves, and the spring equinox is that time. It is okay to be who you are, to feel what you feel, and to dream. If you've been given the gift of an inspired dream, there's a reason. Don't shy away from exploring the vast world that lives within you.

Once the music has ended, wrap yourself in large, warm blanket and sit down to journal:

(8) Who do I want to be in the next several months? (9) What changes do I need to make to my livelihood in order to be able to care for myself and responsibilities? (10) What responsibilities do I need to shed? (11) What actions do I need to take for myself and community in shaping our desired future? (12) What resources can I tap into in order to fill up gaps in knowledge, education, finances, health, emotional well being, and human support?

When you are complete, raise a glass of fruit juice (or an elixir for the more magically inclined) up to your third eye chakra and say, "Hail to the power and grace of spring. May this life continue to be blessed. I give thanks for my many blessings, and I open the gates to springtime in my heart!"


Allow yourself to receive joy this month. As I mentioned earlier, the Goddess Ma'at (Justice/Integrity/Law) holds the balance scales at this juncture, so let your heart be alight with your inner truths, and make the shifts you need to make in order to ground and transform any fears you're carrying into pure potential!

Cyclical junctures like this one help us as humans to ground our energy back into earth, and back into what it means to be human. Choose how you spend your time at the Equinox with care and intention.

Whatever you're feeding your energy this weekend, this is the power up for your next 6-8 weeks. Make it delightful!

Blessed Spring Equinox, Dailey


DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:


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