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March News 2023 @ Healing Heart Reiki


As we welcome in March, I hope you're appreciating the beauty of the budding flowers and the slowly lengthening days where light beckons. I hope you'll join me for 1 or more of our events this month! See below for more...

❤️ Healers in Business (3/1) opens for Enrollment. Receive the foundation in your business for abundance, prosperity, and overflow! This 12 week program will help you step into your Spiritual Boss energy and create sacred business practices for success as a healing practitioner. Check out all of the details here.

❤️ Reiki SHARE (3/5 Via Zoom) - our first Reiki Share in forever! Always on the 1st Saturday, become confident in your distance healing skills with a light-clearing meditation followed by distance healing in a group format.

❤️ Full Moon in Virgo (3/7 Tuesday Live @ 12noon in FB group) - On select Tuesdays, I do a live healing or masterclass in our facebook group. Join now, to be there live to celebrate Spring Equinox with Dailey

❤️ Daylight Savings Time Observed (3/12)

❤️ Healers in Business Begins (3/15) ~ Receive the foundation in your business for abundance, prosperity, and overflow! This 12 week program will help you step into your Spiritual Boss energy and create sacred business practices for success as a healing practitioner. Yup we're starting NOW.

❤️ Reiki 2 Training (3/19 & 3/28 & 4/11 Zoom/Online) - Learn the basics of meditation, clearing negative mindset, and healing yourself and others in this beginning level Reiki class. You will leave as a certified Reiki 2, and beautiful healing. Get the details here.

❤️ Student Q&A: Power of Spring Equinox (3/20 Via Zoom) Join our Monthly Office Hours for this special topic and Q&A that explores Spring Equinox energies and more! Students and Alumni, you are all welcome.

❤️ New Moon in Aries (3/21 Tuesday Live) Enjoy an Intention Setting Ceremony with Dailey. On select Tuesdays at 12NOON I do a live healing or masterclass in our facebook group. Join the group now.

❤️ Chord Clearing Bootcamp (digital online course) - want to develop your chord clearing abilities? Whether for personal or professional reasons, this fantastic video training course will help you do it! Rich in mindset around spiritual healing, learn to tend your life contracts with others, and clear your energy field. On sale now!

This is a picture I took just after heavy rains and unseasonable cold this winter. It amazes me that the flowers were determined to burst forth nonetheless:

Here's to a wonderful March, filled with growth, joy, and new beginnings. May we embrace all that this month has to offer and create a world filled with kindness, love, and positivity.

love and blessings,



DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:


Healing Heart Reiki

Mailing Address: 2751 4th St. #210

Santa Rosa, CA 95405


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