Today's NEW MOON in Libra is at 12:30 PM PST. Libra invites us to find dynamic harmony this season. Because we are also in a mercury retrograde, you may also find an emphasis on reviewing past decisions, and reworking old plans. Nonetheless, the new moon energy is a great time to set fresh intentions. Try this little noontime ritual:
Sit down with a candle 🕯 (representing illumination) and your favorite bit of incense to stir your senses. Draw a big circle on the paper representing this moon, as it goes from new to full. With your favorite harmonious music in the background, write within the circle how you MOST want to feel, and 3 things you MOST want to accomplish.
If any doubts come up, write them outside of the circle. These are the items you know you’ll want to heal, clear, and release. When you’re ready (now or through the month), draw stars directly on top of any negatives, symbolizing angelic and ancestral support. Call your healing angels and ancestors whenever you draw a star. Retrace the circle of the moon, strengthening your intentions. Say a prayer of love as you close your journal, and keep it somewhere energetically charged for the month, like on your altar or beneath your bed pillow. May all of your wishes come true!
Blessed New Moon!

DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: