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Nurture Your Heart Over the Holidays

"Even the strongest person experiences upsetting situations, and there's no shame in taking time to heal your heart. This is a good time for quiet reflection upon your true feelings," the Archangel Azrael says in Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle. Holidays are so busy! The media bombards us with reminders that this is supposed to be a loving, giving time. Yet for many of us caught between cutthroat shoppers and long-standing family dynamics, the Holidays feel more like the Olympic Games. Archangel Azrael reminds us that simple nurturing and comfort can ease outside pressure, opening the inner doors to our wisdom and fortitude.

Have you nurtured yourself yet over the past week? All it takes is a few minutes of deep presence. You could do it even now.

Go ahead, take a deep breath.

As you inhale, remember a smell that delights you. It could be sweet like baking cookies, or savory like the rich soil of a freshly planted garden. Take a moment right now to remember and breathe in the scent of your favorite memories. . . Mine for today is the plastic smell of my Barbie collection from childhood! What is yours?

As you exhale, release stress and tension, allowing those good feelings to unlock your healing hormones.  

Connect with the expanding peacefulness and warmth.

Now while you're feeling good, make a list of just 3 things you can do this month to honor and nurture your heart as we move deeper into the darkening year.  

What 3 Things will you do to nurture your heart this season? Please, I invite you to share some of those things below! I will, too, and I will send you healing in support of your completing those nurturing tasks!

happy holidays!



DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She offers private sessions, and teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see:


Healing Heart Reiki

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Santa Rosa, CA 95405


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