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Opening Up Your Life Week

Every year around this time I do my annual "Opening Up Your Life Week." For 7 days only, I make a list of everything that freaks me out, that I never have time for, that I wanted to try but have excuses for, that I'm too scared to try... and then I do ALL OF IT! I can't tell you what a liberating process it is! Some people, when I've told them, have said, "But I do that every day, so why do it for a week?"

I beg to differ. Even for those of us who live life constantly on the edge, pushing our boundaries, there are places we don't dare to venture, places we have blocked out of our consciousness. Opening Up Your Life Week is just for those things. It's a perfect compliment to Earth Day; it's a time for waking your inner activist, whether your brand of activism is for social justice, earth love, or self-healing. I've done everything from purple hair dye to 12 hour meditations in past OUYL weeks! It's a time to get un-stuck, to celebrate your life, and there's no right or wrong way to do it.

At the end of the week(or 7 days from the start), burn your list (or toss it in the trash) so that you don't have any promises lingering over the rest of your year. It's a time for super acceleration in a small, sacred window.

I welcome anyone reading this post to try it out, and if you do, please let me know how it goes!


© 2012 Dailey Little. You are welcome to reproduce this article provided you do so in its entirety, including the copyright and this blurb: "Dailey Little is a Reiki Master and active practitioner. She teaches Reiki & other fun stuff through her private practice in Santa Rosa, CA. Join her joyful community for ReikiShares, Free Clinics, and eco-activism by signing up at her website,"


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