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Stepping Into Blessings

"Every step we take is a blessing. Our arrival at the destination is just one small gift of the journey. Our arrival, is in fact, the invitation into another adventure."

I've been polishing this idea for a few days, really sinking into it. What does it mean to be alive and to desire? People have spent lifetimes with philosophies of embracing desire, releasing desire, loving it, hating it… In the buddhism there is the idea of bonno soku bodhai, or, "Earthly Desires are Enlightenment." I take this to mean that our very human experience, riddled with emotions and perfect imperfections is meant to be honored.

Every step of our lives along our personal journey in understanding and expressing our divine will is a blessing. Every turn we take in the road holds gifts of wisdom and life force. Sometimes we forget to call them gifts; we call them accidents, tragedies, coincidences, or we block them out altogether, refusing to allow reality into our lives.

It's easy to become focused on just reaching our destination, but that arrival is only one part of the whole. Certainly it is a gift to hike Mt Baldy and view the desert and ocean from its peak. But each labored breath, sweat drop, singing bird, snack break, and snort of laughter is a gift too.

What do we do when we reach our destination? Stop? I hope not! We move on to even greater adventures. If we are just focused on the target, we are only half alive. I can't speak for you, but I am definitely devoted to being fully alive.


© 2012 Dailey Little. You are welcome to reproduce this article provided you do so in its entirety, including the copyright and this blurb: "Dailey Little is a Reiki Master and active practitioner. She teaches Reiki & other fun stuff through her private practice in Santa Rosa, CA. Join her joyful community for ReikiShares, Free Clinics, and eco-activism by signing up at her website,"


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