I've been waiting for this November all year. We have a Presidential election, and this election has been more dramatic than any scripted reality tv show you could imagine! From an energy healing perspective, this month's election reflects the challenges of our collective healing as a country. The closer it comes, it reveals wounds that are still in need of our love and attention.
Regardless of who becomes president, the message has come through more clearly than ever that WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who must take responsibility to create real change in areas such as climate change, human suffering, rights & liberties, and justice.
We can't leave these important themes to elected officials alone, as if they are our parents cleaning up a household mess. While elected officials play their role, the true power lies within each of us—it's in our hands to shape a future rooted in compassion, justice, and healing. We have to work at a grassroots level while also holding all officials accountable to what we've asked of them.
I love this image of the goddess Ma'at, an Ancient Egyptian goddess who reminds us that healthy foundations for all of life begin with our inner values, our compassion, and healthy habits.
Ma'at helps to illuminate truth. In my practices as a priestess, I've often found that she offers answers as an inner awareness of where the querent is out of balance, rather than exposing injustices elsewhere.
What I've learned from this election so far is that we've all become a little lost in fields of illusion. What is real? What is not? Who is controlling the narrative? Why can't we? We can become so caught up in this kind of thinking that we forget--that our ultimate destination is love.
Love is a soft, expansive feeling that opens, unites, and connects us all. When we we try to sort illusion with our minds and egos, we will only become more lost.
On the other hand if we lean into our heart's perspective, based on love and kindness, it becomes easier to see where boundaries are needed, or where our personal truths are leading us. We can recognize where fear or past traumas have stopped us from being able to reason, and we can adjust course.
Not only does November hold our presidential election, but it also holds Thanksgiving and Black Friday. These are all days on which it's easy to become caught up in illusions, desires, stories and needs from our past, and to forget the true compass of love.
This month as you flow Reiki in your private practice and meditations, take time to reflect and journal on how you'd love to approach these important days this month. How can you bring more love and connection into your relationships this month? Into your actions?
How can you create bridges of light through the darkness and illusion in your own communities?
"You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once, but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own."
--Michelle Obama (From her memoir "Becoming")
Should Healers Talk About Politics..?
Honestly friend, politics has been a hot button and a trigger for me over the last decade. It's uncomfortable to get into discussions about politics and get into conflict with others, when my beliefs feel so important to me!
I realize a lot of people feel this way, haha, but whenever we near that cliff in the conversation where I know there's no going back from an intense and real debate, I cringe just a little.
Debate is healthy, but for people who have lived through trauma or verbal abuse, sometimes even well meaning conflict can be completely dis-regulating and overwhelming to their energy systems. If you are one of those people, I hope you'll be kind and excuse yourself from healthy debate. Allow yourself to let others to take up the banner of that fight.
However for others who feel comfortable, having real discussions about politics, history, and philosophy as it relates directly to our life today, is how we heal. Good conversation allows us to find meeting points of clarity within our conflicts.
I've given myself not to engage in politics in social media, but I do speak about what I believe in, with close friends and family. I choose when I want to engage, and I remember that political debate may sometimes feel personal, but ultimately it's about understanding the concepts and information more clearly on a intellectual and heart level.
Conversing is an incredibly important skill that we NEED to practice with the people we love. Learning how to talk is how we resolve all sorts of misunderstandings and how we make better decisions as a collective. This month is the month to engage thoughtfully and lovingly--with yourself and quite possibly with the people you love as well.
As we enter November, I invite you to reflect on your skillset for connecting, conversing, setting healthy boundaries, and being present with those you love through conflict. What if this month was the beginning of an era where we learned how to truly unite for global healing and change?
Here at Healing Heart Reiki, I'm teaching REIKI 1TRAINING, REIKI 2 TRAINING, and a few magical classes to help strengthen our spirits as we head into winter. Let these classes be a space to deepen your healing, strengthen your spirit, and align with your heart as we collectively hold the light through these historic times.
If you'd like to learn more about these classes and to see whether they are the right match for you, send me a message! I look forward to hearing from you
Reiki love & blessings,
Dailey Little, RMT
Healing Heart Reiki
Classes | Coaching | Mentorship
DAILEY LITTLE is a healing practitioner, transformational life coach, ordained Priestess, and teacher who founded Healing Heart Reiki to help others navigate life with joy. She teaches classes in healing and mindset from a magical peaceful corner of the world in Northern California. For more info see: www.SantaRosaReiki.com